Bilingual Karakia:
Worship in both English and Te Reo Māori
The Lord's Prayer: Te Karakia o Te Atua
Pronounciation Video: Here's me reading it through line by line.
Te Karakia O Te Atua (The Lord’s Prayer in Maori)
E tō mātou Matua i te rangi (Our Father in heaven)
Kia tapu tou Ingoa (Holy be your Name)
Kia tae mai tou rangatiratanga. (Your Kingdom come);
Kia meatia tau e pai ai (May it be done as good to you)
ki runga i te whenua, (on earth)
kia rite ano ki to te rangi. (as it is in heaven).
Homai ki a mātou aianei (Give us now)
he taro mā mātou mo tēnei ra. (the bread we need this day).
Murua o mātou hara (Strip us of our sins);
Me mātou hoki e muru nei (just as we release);
i o te hunga e hara ana ki a mātou. (those who have sinned against us).
Aua hoki mātou e kawea kia whaka-waia; (Do not lead us into temptation);
Engari whaka-orangia mātou, i te kino: (but save us from evil);
Nou hoki te rangatira-tanga, (Your is the kingdom)
te kaha, me te kororia, (the power and the glory).
Ake, ake, ake. (Forever and ever)
Āmine. (Amen)
E tō mātou Matua i te rangi (Our Father in heaven)
Kia tapu tou Ingoa (Holy be your Name)
Kia tae mai tou rangatiratanga. (Your Kingdom come);
Kia meatia tau e pai ai (May it be done as good to you)
ki runga i te whenua, (on earth)
kia rite ano ki to te rangi. (as it is in heaven).
Homai ki a mātou aianei (Give us now)
he taro mā mātou mo tēnei ra. (the bread we need this day).
Murua o mātou hara (Strip us of our sins);
Me mātou hoki e muru nei (just as we release);
i o te hunga e hara ana ki a mātou. (those who have sinned against us).
Aua hoki mātou e kawea kia whaka-waia; (Do not lead us into temptation);
Engari whaka-orangia mātou, i te kino: (but save us from evil);
Nou hoki te rangatira-tanga, (Your is the kingdom)
te kaha, me te kororia, (the power and the glory).
Ake, ake, ake. (Forever and ever)
Āmine. (Amen)
Other Resources
He Kohinga Karakia
Te Taumata Rūnanga. This is an excellent resource, with short karakia explained and translated, with beautiful art works, to help you always have the right karakia for every situation.
Karakia Pocket Pack
Anglican Diocese of Dunedin. Biblical and Christian prayers in Māori everyone should know.
Bilingual Holy Communion
From the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa NZ, compiled by Rev. Dr. Wayne Te Kaawa
Te Taumata Rūnanga. This is an excellent resource, with short karakia explained and translated, with beautiful art works, to help you always have the right karakia for every situation.
Karakia Pocket Pack
Anglican Diocese of Dunedin. Biblical and Christian prayers in Māori everyone should know.
Bilingual Holy Communion
From the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa NZ, compiled by Rev. Dr. Wayne Te Kaawa
He Tikanga Whakapono |
Your will be done |
Prayer from Talanoa. Translation by Silvia Purdie
Ko koe, e te Atua tapu, te tino Atua, Nōu te mana, te ihi, te wehi. Nōu te ao, te mauri, te ora. Nāu te katoa, i te rangi, i te whenua. Ko koe tonu te Atua. Ko koe te māramatanga o te ao, I tīaho rā a koe i roto i te pouri, Kia puta ake tāu Tama ko Ihu Karaiti Hei pou tokomanawa mō te ao. Ko koe tonu te Atua. Ko koe te Wairua Tapu, Ko koe taku rākau, Ko koe taku tokotoko, Ko koe taku oranga ngākau ē, Ko koe tonu rā te Atua. Korōria ki a koe. You, my God, holy, beyond - All power, all strength from you, All things, all things, alive in you, Earth and atmosphere, held in you. You alone are God. Your light shines in the dark. Your son, Jesus Christ, given for us, for all the world, to blaze your love. You, my God, now and forever - You are Wairua Tapu, Holy Spirit, My strength, my support, my spirit. You fill my heart and overflow. You are God! Glory and praise to You! |
An Earth Day karakia by Silvia Purdie
Thank you, O God For land below and sky above - Ko Ranginui ki runga, Ko Papakūānuku ki raro. Hold us, loving God in your almighty embrace. Your will be done On earth as in heaven. Thank you, O God for light and colour and space - Te ao mārama. Fill us fresh with your Holy Spirit. Lift our eyes to see your beauty. Inspire in us deep joy and wholehearted praise! Your will be done On earth as in heaven. Thank you, O God for living waters of river, lake and ocean - ngā awa, ngā roto, ngā moana. We confess that we have polluted them with chemicals and plastic - our hearts ache. Lord, protect the life of the sea. Your will be done On earth as in heaven. Thank you, O God for the intricate balance of life on Earth, of all things, ngā mea katoa - seen and unseen. We confess that Earth is reeling, unable to recover from the effects of human greed. Murua ō mātou hara - Forgive us our sins and renew us. Dedicate us to care for life on Earth. Your will be done On earth as in heaven. Thank you, Jesus, that you came to Earth to dwell with us in grace and truth - i te aroha noa, i te pono. Make your home in us, Haere mai, welcome. We bind ourselves to you, our help, our strength, our hope - Tūturu whakamaua kia tina, tina, tāiki e! Your will be done On earth as in heaven. |