Words for leading Communion
The Salvation Table: A Liturgy of Holy Communion
A full Communion liturgy, with congregational responses, and including Psalm 23
Welcome to this table, the feast of salvation
We come around, we stand ready
Jesus is our host, and Jesus is our food
Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord
Come in the name of Christ, who declares all are welcome
A full Communion liturgy, with congregational responses, and including Psalm 23
Welcome to this table, the feast of salvation
We come around, we stand ready
Jesus is our host, and Jesus is our food
Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord
Come in the name of Christ, who declares all are welcome
Communion liturgy: ‘Here is bread’ - based on Mark 8:27-35
Here is bread, and here is the juice of the vine.
In these simple things we remember
that Jesus chose the way of surrender and suffering ...
May the way of the cross be a way of great joy.
May the way of the cross be a path of deep peace.
For Christ Jesus is with us. We are not alone.
Here is bread, and here is the juice of the vine.
In these simple things we remember
that Jesus chose the way of surrender and suffering ...
May the way of the cross be a way of great joy.
May the way of the cross be a path of deep peace.
For Christ Jesus is with us. We are not alone.
"In your desire for us" - a full liturgy for Holy Communion
In this stillness we come, bringing our need,
reaching out to you, Jesus Christ,
We acknowledge you as creator of all, with the Father, with the Spirit,
three in one, from before time a fellowship of infinite love.
From you all things were made, you have formed us in your very image
made to love and be loved.
In your desire for us you chose a people ...
In this stillness we come, bringing our need,
reaching out to you, Jesus Christ,
We acknowledge you as creator of all, with the Father, with the Spirit,
three in one, from before time a fellowship of infinite love.
From you all things were made, you have formed us in your very image
made to love and be loved.
In your desire for us you chose a people ...
Communion liturgy of glory and praise
A Great Thanksgiving with congregational responses,
especially suitable to a Trinity theme, and all-age worship
The local references to our birds here in NZ, and the view from our church can easily be replaced with images relevant to your local context.
Come, Holy Spirit. Ride the wings of our praise.
Renew our hearts. Fire our imaginations with eternity.
Transform these simple things, this bread, this grape juice ...
A Great Thanksgiving with congregational responses,
especially suitable to a Trinity theme, and all-age worship
The local references to our birds here in NZ, and the view from our church can easily be replaced with images relevant to your local context.
Come, Holy Spirit. Ride the wings of our praise.
Renew our hearts. Fire our imaginations with eternity.
Transform these simple things, this bread, this grape juice ...
Beatitudes Communion
Blessed are we, though we come with empty hands
knowing only our poverty.
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are we, though we come with empty hands
knowing only our poverty.
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven.
"In the Beginning": A Communion Liturgy on God’s Act of Creation
Genesis 1
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth
all that is, seen and unseen
all that is, every atom, every star.
Day One God said
Let there be light
and there was light -
exploding light, brilliant light, gentle Spirit light,
light in the darkness,
and the darkness has never put it out.
Genesis 1
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth
all that is, seen and unseen
all that is, every atom, every star.
Day One God said
Let there be light
and there was light -
exploding light, brilliant light, gentle Spirit light,
light in the darkness,
and the darkness has never put it out.
Advent communion: "Open our eyes"
Two full Communion liturgies especially for Advent.
1) The Root of Jessie
based on Isaiah 11:1-10
Praise the Lord, all you people,
let all the peoples praise our God!
The root of Jesse shall come
one will rise up to rule all the nations with peace
2) 'Eyes to see'
based on Isaiah 64:1-9
Open the eyes of our hearts that we might see you in your risen glory.
O come, O come Emmanuel.
Two full Communion liturgies especially for Advent.
1) The Root of Jessie
based on Isaiah 11:1-10
Praise the Lord, all you people,
let all the peoples praise our God!
The root of Jesse shall come
one will rise up to rule all the nations with peace
2) 'Eyes to see'
based on Isaiah 64:1-9
Open the eyes of our hearts that we might see you in your risen glory.
O come, O come Emmanuel.
Easter Communion
(full Order of Service)
Send your Holy Spirit on us,
that we might know the power that rose Jesus from the dead,
and that we might live to shine with your glory. Amen.
(full Order of Service)
Send your Holy Spirit on us,
that we might know the power that rose Jesus from the dead,
and that we might live to shine with your glory. Amen.
Communion: "All is grace!"
The extraordinary words of Ephesians 1 ring with a vibrant shout of praise.
"All is gift, all is grace.
All things are being gathered into God’s good purposes,
all time, all tasks, all pain, all loss, all calling,
for the praise of his glorious grace."
The extraordinary words of Ephesians 1 ring with a vibrant shout of praise.
"All is gift, all is grace.
All things are being gathered into God’s good purposes,
all time, all tasks, all pain, all loss, all calling,
for the praise of his glorious grace."
Family Communion
Specially written for including children
Come, friends and family, come to this holy table
come to this special meal.
I welcome you in the name of God who is three persons in one, one great and wonderful God,
God the Father, God the Son Jesus, God the Holy Spirit
all together, all one and the same,
alive and at work, here and everywhere.
With all our hearts we thank you, God
With all our lives we praise you, God
Specially written for including children
Come, friends and family, come to this holy table
come to this special meal.
I welcome you in the name of God who is three persons in one, one great and wonderful God,
God the Father, God the Son Jesus, God the Holy Spirit
all together, all one and the same,
alive and at work, here and everywhere.
With all our hearts we thank you, God
With all our lives we praise you, God
Holy Communion based on Psalm 16
This is a Great Thanksgiving prayer using the wonderful words of Psalm 16
"Thank you for your arms of grace, drawing us in, leading us on
from a deep place of safety and confidence."
This is a Great Thanksgiving prayer using the wonderful words of Psalm 16
"Thank you for your arms of grace, drawing us in, leading us on
from a deep place of safety and confidence."
Communion Litany: The broken pieces
Here we are, Lord
Here we are as friends and strangers, here to be your body.
We are here because we know we are not alone;
in our loneliness we seek your companionship.
Grace is here, more than enough to gather up
the tangled mess of our lives,
the broken pieces held together in the hands of Jesus breaking bread pouring wine
pouring out his very life blood in passion for us
Spirit is here, infusing these tangible things
mingling breath with our breath -
Open our eyes, Lord, we want to see Jesus!
Take and eat, friends of God
and your empty hands will be filled with mercy
your hungry hearts will flow with kindness
Power is here, surrendered and made whole.
Here we are, Lord
Here we are as friends and strangers, here to be your body.
We are here because we know we are not alone;
in our loneliness we seek your companionship.
Grace is here, more than enough to gather up
the tangled mess of our lives,
the broken pieces held together in the hands of Jesus breaking bread pouring wine
pouring out his very life blood in passion for us
Spirit is here, infusing these tangible things
mingling breath with our breath -
Open our eyes, Lord, we want to see Jesus!
Take and eat, friends of God
and your empty hands will be filled with mercy
your hungry hearts will flow with kindness
Power is here, surrendered and made whole.
Christmas Communion
This is a beautiful Eucharist with congregational responses, words adapted for Christmas time.
"Come, Lord Jesus
come in the manger, come in the street
come in our hearts, come in this bread and wine
come again in glory!"
This is a beautiful Eucharist with congregational responses, words adapted for Christmas time.
"Come, Lord Jesus
come in the manger, come in the street
come in our hearts, come in this bread and wine
come again in glory!"
Communion for Palm Sunday: "May the rocks cry out"
A powerful Communion liturgy, with no congregational responses.
"If our praises fail and our thanks dry up
may the rocks cry out
may the depths of the earth shout your praise."
A powerful Communion liturgy, with no congregational responses.
"If our praises fail and our thanks dry up
may the rocks cry out
may the depths of the earth shout your praise."
Communion based on Proverbs
"Hear again the voice of wisdom, who cries out in the street: ...."
A Communion liturgy incorporating traditional eucharist elements (which could be congregational responses), and quotes from Proverbs.
May God’s great peace and loving wisdom
guard your mind and your heart
and so fill your daily life
that all you do and everything you are
may overflow with the glory of Christ Jesus. Amen.
"Hear again the voice of wisdom, who cries out in the street: ...."
A Communion liturgy incorporating traditional eucharist elements (which could be congregational responses), and quotes from Proverbs.
May God’s great peace and loving wisdom
guard your mind and your heart
and so fill your daily life
that all you do and everything you are
may overflow with the glory of Christ Jesus. Amen.
Other material, not written by Silvia Purdie:
Francis of Assisi: 'The Praises of the Divine Trinity'
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God almighty,
Who is and who was and who is to come.
We praise and exalt you above all for ever. ... or "We praise and glorify you forever"
Worthy are you, O Lord our God, to receive praise, glory, honor, and blessing.
We praise and exalt you above all for ever.
Worthy is the lamb that was slain to receive power and divinity,
wisdom and strength, honor, glory, and blessing.
We praise and exalt you above all for ever.
Let us bless the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
We praise and exalt you above all for ever.
All the works of the Lord, now bless the Lord.
We praise and exalt you above all for ever.
Praise God, all of you his servants, and you that fear him, both small and great.
We praise and exalt you above all for ever.
Let Heaven and Earth praise his glory,
and every creature that is in Heaven, and on Earth, and under the Earth.
We praise and exalt you above all for ever.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning, is now, and shall be forever. Amen.
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God almighty,
Who is and who was and who is to come.
We praise and exalt you above all for ever. ... or "We praise and glorify you forever"
Worthy are you, O Lord our God, to receive praise, glory, honor, and blessing.
We praise and exalt you above all for ever.
Worthy is the lamb that was slain to receive power and divinity,
wisdom and strength, honor, glory, and blessing.
We praise and exalt you above all for ever.
Let us bless the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
We praise and exalt you above all for ever.
All the works of the Lord, now bless the Lord.
We praise and exalt you above all for ever.
Praise God, all of you his servants, and you that fear him, both small and great.
We praise and exalt you above all for ever.
Let Heaven and Earth praise his glory,
and every creature that is in Heaven, and on Earth, and under the Earth.
We praise and exalt you above all for ever.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning, is now, and shall be forever. Amen.