Wedding vows
Traditional Wedding Vow: ‘For better, for worse’
Groom I, … take you … to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, for as long as we both shall live. Bride I …. take you ….to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, for as long as we both shall live ‘True and faithful’ Groom In the presence of God, and before this gathering, I promise to be your true and faithful husband, to love and care for you always. Bride In the presence of God, and before this gathering, I promise to be your true and faithful wife, to love and care for you alwavs. ‘Love and cherish always’ Groom … I love you. Today I take you to be my wife, and I give myself to be your husband. I shall value the good times we have together and give you help and support in any adversity. I shall love and cherish you always. Bride I love you ........ Today I take you to be my husband, and I give myself to be your wife. I shall value the good times we have together and give you help and support in any adversity. I shall love and cherish you always. ‘Whatever life my bring’ Groom I have lived with you and I love you. Today I give myself to be your husband and I take you to be my wife. Whatever life may bring, I will love you and care for you always. Bride I have lived with you and I love you. Today I give myself to be your wife and I take you to be my husband. Whatever life may bring, I will love you and care for you always. |
‘Support you in your endeavours’
I call upon all here present to witness that I …. take you … to be my lawful wedded wife/husband. I will love you, trust you, believe in you as you are, be honest with you, encourage you, support you in your endeavours, care for you and above all else, respect you as a person of equal worth, and with equal rights and responsibilities - in sickness as in health, for better for worse, through all our life together. ‘Grow with you in love’ I take you to be my wife/husband. To laugh with you in joy, To grieve with you in sorrow, To grow with you in love, To live with you in peace and hope, As long as we both shall live. ‘All that I am I give you’ I ask every one here to witness that I … receive … to be my wife/husband. All that I am I give to you, and all that I have I share with you. Whatever the future holds, I will love you and strengthen you, as long as we both shall live. This is my solemn vow. 'I covenant with you' I, _____________, covenant with you, _______________ to be your lawful wife/husband, in the partnership of marriage. In joy and sorrow, sickness or health, poverty or riches, I will honour you and be with you. |