Psalm 12: As in the days of Noah
My apologies, for this Psalm does contain swear words. If you are using this in worship you might like to tone down the language! Help, Lord! The world has gone to the dogs! Not a soul is godly not a shred of decency anywhere! All that was good has leeched away All that is disgusting is applauded We’ve thrown the baby out with the bathwater All that’s left is lies Bullshit reigns supreme No one gives a damn about truth any more (perhaps "no one cares about truth" would be better?) All is sham and show All is boast and bravado And worse, far worse, than all the bluffing is that no one cares about the poor. “If you’re broke it’s your own stupid fault” we say and turn the other way. This upsets the Lord God for he made a promise to the poor to uphold them, to be with them and God’s promises are crystal clear tough as titanium. What will you do about it, God? Wash the whole lot away? Start over if you could find one good man and a boat-load of animals? When will you bring him back, that Son of Man to make all things new? Dare we pray – come, Lord Jesus, come!?! (Luke 17:20-37) |
Psalm 12 (verse 6): Pure Silver
The promises of God are pure pure like silver silver melted and poured melted and poured until it shines so perfect. |