... worship resources
Caring for the environment is central to a living faith. Our denominal mission statements affirm this. But so often we fail to give this expression in our week-by-week worship life.
In this page I am working on drawing together some links and resources to help the church focus our good intentions and bring our praise and lament to God.
In this page I am working on drawing together some links and resources to help the church focus our good intentions and bring our praise and lament to God.
'In the Beginning'
A litany on the creation of Creation Could be used in a Communion service In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth all that is, seen and unseen all that is, every atom, every star. Day One God said Let there be light and there was light - exploding light, brilliant light, gentle Spirit light, light in the darkness, and the darkness has never put it out. ... |
A Psalm for the Weirding of the Weather
A climate change prayer especially for harvest time
A climate change prayer especially for harvest time
For God so loved the World
Lenten study
A Journey through Lent
exploring God’s heart for our environment
Eight practical, reflective, Biblical studies
through March and April 2019
Written by Silvia Purdie
It is formatted over 24 pages to be printed as an A5 booklet (6 sheets).
Includes activities, discussion and prayer suggestions for children as well as adults.
Connecting our concern for our natural world with the themes of Lent, Easter and Pentecost.
Lenten study
A Journey through Lent
exploring God’s heart for our environment
Eight practical, reflective, Biblical studies
through March and April 2019
Written by Silvia Purdie
It is formatted over 24 pages to be printed as an A5 booklet (6 sheets).
Includes activities, discussion and prayer suggestions for children as well as adults.
Connecting our concern for our natural world with the themes of Lent, Easter and Pentecost.
Fantastic to get feedback!
... a testimonial from a local group: |
It's been on my heart the last few weeks to email you an appreciation for the Lenten study that you prepared and made available this year.
Each week our small group started with reflections from the preceding 7 days, and then read together the new study choosing one of the readings to "dwell" on more deeply, reading it through usually three times from different versions and sharing reflections and Spirit proddings. The aspect of continuing to reflect on the other readings and taking up some of the activity suggestions during the week made for stimulating sharing the subsequent week. One attendee even made her own journal especially for the study and the focus on creation led to seeing the various aspects of the world around us in a different light, hearing them speak to us in various ways and recording those words and voices in sometimes quite beautiful and creative ways. Thanks again - it was a wonderfully surprising and uplifting time - God exceeding our expectations. With appreciation and a hearty "God bless!" on behalf of myself and the group. Michael Cooke (Crossway Community Church, Christchurch) |
Climate Change Prayer Booklet produced by Charitas Aotearoa NZ.
A beautiful collection of prayers related to specific aspects of climate change, for children, youth and adults. |
A Rocha is a significant international Christian mission agency.
Worth checking out their websites for resources A Rocha New Zealand |
Liturgical churches around the world are increasingly honouring a Season of Creation in September. These three websites are loaded with links to other sites and worship resources including liturgies and music:
Season of Creation is a global network, encouraging churches to connect in Let All Creation Praise is a Lectionary resource website World Council of Churches website 'Oikoumene' |
For worship resources with a strong Creation theme visit this wonderful UK website:
Operation Noah, Liturgy resources  |
Climate Intercessors is a global network (based in California).
Heaps of awesome material on their website Prayer Resources is a page of links to various international resources. The Climate Witness Project of the Christian Reformed Church also has wonderful liturgies and prayers.
Bible and Ecology
Bible and Ecology, a site dedicated to exploring how scripture informs sustainability:
Calvin Institute for Refiormed Worship
Worship Resources for Creation Care
We confess that God created heaven and earth and everything in it. We sing that this is our Father’s world. Yet, billions of people suffer in places where so much is no longer bright and beautiful. This worship resource guide will help your community plan services that honor our Creator, who invites us to join in caring for the whole creation.
Bible and Ecology, a site dedicated to exploring how scripture informs sustainability:
Calvin Institute for Refiormed Worship
Worship Resources for Creation Care
We confess that God created heaven and earth and everything in it. We sing that this is our Father’s world. Yet, billions of people suffer in places where so much is no longer bright and beautiful. This worship resource guide will help your community plan services that honor our Creator, who invites us to join in caring for the whole creation.
Creation theme Psalms in Conversations (Silvia Purdie):
Psalm 18: The Volcano Psalm
Psalm 19: Song of the Stars
Psalm 29: The Hurricane Psalm
Psalm 65: He’s got the whole world in his hands!
Psalm 75: The pillars of the earth
Psalm 148: Calling all creation!
Psalm 18: The Volcano Psalm
Psalm 19: Song of the Stars
Psalm 29: The Hurricane Psalm
Psalm 65: He’s got the whole world in his hands!
Psalm 75: The pillars of the earth
Psalm 148: Calling all creation!
Prayer ... from 'Caring for Creation', PCANZ
Dear Lord our God, you are Creator of the heavens and the earth. You form us in your image. You have entrusted us with the care of your good Creation. We praise you for the wonder, mystery and awe that we see and feel in the beauty of the world around us. In the midst of our own fears, and conscious of those things within and around us that damage and destroy, we pray for your guidance. Come among us again as the Spirit which brings forth new life. Open our hearts and minds to your wisdom as we seek to act in ways which honour, celebrate and care for the world you so love. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen. |
Caring for Creation
Social Issues Booklet: resource published by the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand |
Canticle for a Kiwi
by Fay Clayton
Bless the Lord, you tumbling mountain torrents
Bless Him, you glaciers, rivers, creeks and streams;
Bless the Lord, you ponds and pools and puddles,
And you limped lakes, reflecting faint star beams.
by Fay Clayton
Bless the Lord, you tumbling mountain torrents
Bless Him, you glaciers, rivers, creeks and streams;
Bless the Lord, you ponds and pools and puddles,
And you limped lakes, reflecting faint star beams.
Carolyn Winfrey Gillette
has a lovely creative collection of hymns and worship resources around care for creation.
Carolyn is a minister in the United Methodist Church in the US, and lives in part of New York with the delightful name of "Owego". Her website is called ''.
has a lovely creative collection of hymns and worship resources around care for creation.
Carolyn is a minister in the United Methodist Church in the US, and lives in part of New York with the delightful name of "Owego". Her website is called ''.
At the Dawn of Your Creation
by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette
HYMN TO JOY D ("Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee")
At the dawn of your creation, God, you spoke, "Let there be light!"
You divided earth from heaven, you created day and night.
You made sunbeams dance with shadows, you created energy!
Peaceful evenings, bright tomorrows, all began with "Let there be..."
By your word, you formed creation: dry land, water, ocean breeze.
Soon there burst forth vegetation — plants with fruit, majestic trees.
Rain and snow and changing seasons, creatures filling land and sea --
God, your very good creation all began with "Let there be..."
When you made us as your children, sending us throughout your lands,
You commanded, "Have dominion — care for earth; it's in your hands."
Yet we hurt this world you've given; we harm earth and sky and sea.
We forget it's your creation — you, who once said "Let there be..."
At this joyful celebration, may we hear your word anew: *
May we care for your creation, knowing it's a trust from you.
Just as daily there's a dawning, bringing light to all we see,
So we daily hear your calling — you, who once said, "Let there be..."
Biblical References: Genesis 1-2; Psalms 8; Romans 8:18-25
Tune: Ludwig van Beethoven, 1824 ("Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee") (MIDI)
Text: Copyright © 2008 by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette. All rights reserved.
Email: [email protected] New Hymns:
by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette
HYMN TO JOY D ("Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee")
At the dawn of your creation, God, you spoke, "Let there be light!"
You divided earth from heaven, you created day and night.
You made sunbeams dance with shadows, you created energy!
Peaceful evenings, bright tomorrows, all began with "Let there be..."
By your word, you formed creation: dry land, water, ocean breeze.
Soon there burst forth vegetation — plants with fruit, majestic trees.
Rain and snow and changing seasons, creatures filling land and sea --
God, your very good creation all began with "Let there be..."
When you made us as your children, sending us throughout your lands,
You commanded, "Have dominion — care for earth; it's in your hands."
Yet we hurt this world you've given; we harm earth and sky and sea.
We forget it's your creation — you, who once said "Let there be..."
At this joyful celebration, may we hear your word anew: *
May we care for your creation, knowing it's a trust from you.
Just as daily there's a dawning, bringing light to all we see,
So we daily hear your calling — you, who once said, "Let there be..."
Biblical References: Genesis 1-2; Psalms 8; Romans 8:18-25
Tune: Ludwig van Beethoven, 1824 ("Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee") (MIDI)
Text: Copyright © 2008 by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette. All rights reserved.
Email: [email protected] New Hymns:
Norman Habel
Over the ditch in Ozzy is a wonderful old word-smith Norman Habel. His hymns and liturgies are striking and evocative. |
Shirley Murray
Where are the voices for the earth? (Can be sung to the Old 100th hymn tune) 1 Where are the voices for the earth? Where are the eyes to see her pain, wasted by our consuming path, weeping the tears of poisoned rain? 2 Sacred the soil that hugs the seed, sacred the silent fall of snow, sacred the world that God decreed, water and sun and river flow. |
3 Where shall we run who break this code, where shall tomorrow's children be, left with the ruined gifts of God, death for the creatures, land, and sea? 4 We are the voices for the earth, we who will care enough to cry, cherish her beauty, clear her breath, live that our planet may not die. |
Christmas and our environment
Bible Reading: Luke 1:46-55, the Magnificat
The problem is, Christmas has become bad for our environment. Millions of children the world over will be given plastic toys which will quickly break and be thrown in the bin, mountains of rubbish, used for a few minutes or hours and then taking hundreds of years to break down.
Santa is the god of the disposable. Our Santa myth drives our consumer world. In the Santa myth the elves manufacture and produce from an infinity of resources, with no care or concern with what happens to all the stuff once it’s delivered.
Our world is not an infinity of resources. Our world cannot cope with all the stuff we are thowing away.
I’m sorry. I’m not trying to make you feel bad, especially at Christmas time. Or maybe I am trying to make you feel bad, because actually I think we have to feel bad. It’s not OK for this to be somebody else’s problem. All of us, every human on the planet, has a share in this problem, and in finding solutions.
... linking back to Mary and her song magnifying the Lord
At Christmas time we focus our gaze in one tiny spot, a baby lying in a manger. And somehow this tiny spot magnifies all of God’s unutterable greatness.
Bible Reading: Luke 1:46-55, the Magnificat
The problem is, Christmas has become bad for our environment. Millions of children the world over will be given plastic toys which will quickly break and be thrown in the bin, mountains of rubbish, used for a few minutes or hours and then taking hundreds of years to break down.
Santa is the god of the disposable. Our Santa myth drives our consumer world. In the Santa myth the elves manufacture and produce from an infinity of resources, with no care or concern with what happens to all the stuff once it’s delivered.
Our world is not an infinity of resources. Our world cannot cope with all the stuff we are thowing away.
I’m sorry. I’m not trying to make you feel bad, especially at Christmas time. Or maybe I am trying to make you feel bad, because actually I think we have to feel bad. It’s not OK for this to be somebody else’s problem. All of us, every human on the planet, has a share in this problem, and in finding solutions.
... linking back to Mary and her song magnifying the Lord
At Christmas time we focus our gaze in one tiny spot, a baby lying in a manger. And somehow this tiny spot magnifies all of God’s unutterable greatness.