Psalm 92: Saying thanks at bedtime
It is good to give thanks to God
at the end of the day
as I snuggle down into bed.
Thank you for your love, with me all day.
Thank you for the touch of your hand
in lots of ways today.
Thank you for when I felt happy.
Thank you for the things that went well.
Thank you for getting me on track
when I got stressed and upset.
Every day you are with me.
You grow me up, to stand tall like a great tree.
I will grow fruit and be strong
all the days of my life
for you are my rock and I thank you.
It is good to give thanks to God
at the end of the day
as I snuggle down into bed.
Thank you for your love, with me all day.
Thank you for the touch of your hand
in lots of ways today.
Thank you for when I felt happy.
Thank you for the things that went well.
Thank you for getting me on track
when I got stressed and upset.
Every day you are with me.
You grow me up, to stand tall like a great tree.
I will grow fruit and be strong
all the days of my life
for you are my rock and I thank you.