Apprehend God in all things, for God is in all things.
Every single creature is full of God and is a book about God.
Every creature is a word of God.
If I spent enough time with the tiniest creature
—even a caterpillar--
I would never have to prepare a sermon.
So full of God is every creature.
Meister Eckhart
Every single creature is full of God and is a book about God.
Every creature is a word of God.
If I spent enough time with the tiniest creature
—even a caterpillar--
I would never have to prepare a sermon.
So full of God is every creature.
Meister Eckhart
Pet Blessing Service
Resources for this:
A dramatic reading of Numbers 22: The Funny Story of a Holy Man and his Donkey
A sermon on Balaam's Donkey
The whole service as a PDF
Resources for this:
A dramatic reading of Numbers 22: The Funny Story of a Holy Man and his Donkey
A sermon on Balaam's Donkey
The whole service as a PDF
Sunday 8 October 2017, Cashmere Presbyterian Church
led by Silvia Purdie
Set-up: toy animals around the church
DVD of pet photos showing before the service
Basket of chocolates for birthdays
Kids activity: cut out shapes of animals for making a collage
Welcome to worship
Welcome to this special service to honour St Francis and our animal friends
Welcome to humans and animals this morning, for all are important to God
Lord, make us instruments of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let us sow love;
Where there is injury, bring pardon;
Where there is doubt, grow faith
Where there is darkness, bring light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
Opening Hymn: All things bright and beautiful
Call to Worship: Psalm 148: Calling all creation!
Give praise to God!
You angels in heaven, sing out glory.
You stars, sun and moon, shine bright with praise!
God dreamed you and called you and here you are!
You fish and whales and squid, sing praise in the deep.
You elements of nature, fire, rain, wind,
cold and heat, stone and mountain - praise!
God dreamed you and called you and here you are!
You plants and forests, praise God as you flower and fruit.
You mammals, insects, reptiles and birds - praise!
God dreamed you and called you and here you are!
You people, Presidents and nobodies, rich and poor,
women and men and girls and boys,
in every corner of planet Earth,
God dreamed you and called you and here you are!
So listen out for the Name that is above every Name,
sing out with all the love and joy you can find
for all you are is made by God,
all you have is gift from God.
Calling all creation – come and be found in praise!
Sharing time
Tell the person behind or in front of you something funny about your pet … or an animal you got to know – something adorable about them
Pet blessing
Most high, almighty Lord, our Creator,
yours are the praise, the glory and the honour!
To you alone all things belong.
Be praised for giving us the animals, birds and fish which fill your world.
May we think of you and thank you when we play with and care for our pets.
Bless and protect them, Lord, for you love all your creatures.
Help us to always be good to our pets, so that they may be happy and healthy.
O God, your world is wonderful. Help us to care for all living things. Amen.
If you have brought a pet you are invited to bring them to the front of the church for a blessing.
Lord bless these our pets, both those here with us this morning, and those we see in photos, both in our loving memory and at home.
"N.(name of animal,) may you be blessed in the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. May you and N. (the name of the "owner") enjoy life together and find joy with the God who created you."
(turn off powerpoint)
Hymn: O God, your creatures fill the earth
(written by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette)
Tune: Forest Green (O little town) 240
O God, your creatures fill the earth with wonder and delight,
And every living thing has worth and beauty in your sight.
So playful dolphins dance and swim; your sheep bow down and graze.
Your songbirds share a morning hymn to offer you their praise.
You made the pets we welcome in— they’re wondrous blessings, too.
With paws and whiskers, wings and fins, they offer praise to you.
O Lord, you call us to embrace these creatures in our care.
May we show kindness, love and grace to all pets everywhere.
You made the creatures on each farm; you know the things they need.
May they grow healthy, safe from harm, and safe from human greed.
Just as a shepherd loves the sheep, you know their joy, their pain.
Lord, bless the animals we keep; May all farms be humane.
Your creatures live in every land; they fill the sky and sea.
O Lord, you give us your command to love them tenderly.
We’re called to have dominion here--to care for them always.
By loving creatures you hold dear, we offer you our praise.
Birthdays and celebrations
Passing the Peace
We offer each other the ‘right hand of fellowship’ as a sign that all are welcome and accepted by God.
Song: If I were a butterfly
Kids Box (pictures of animals to cut out)
Bible Reading 1: The story of the talking donkey: Numbers 22:22-35 (Dramatic, in 4 voices)
Bible Reading 2: Matthew 6:24-34
Dedication of the offering (please stand)
Prayer for the feast day of St Francis
Let us pray. Most high, omnipotent good Lord, grant your people grace to renounce gladly the vanities of this world; that, following the way of blessed Francis, we may for love of you delight in your whole creation with perfectness of joy. O God, you have made us and all living things. You are even more wonderful than what you have made. We thank you for giving us these pets who bring us joy. As you take care of us, so also we ask your help that we might take care of those who trust us to look after them. By doing this, we share in your own love for all creation. We ask this in Jesus' name, Amen.
Closing Prayer
Lord of all creation, we pray for the world and all living things
All life is your design; your breath is life for all.
We pray for the wild things, creatures of sea and air and land
and we confess that we humans have damaged so much of the world
Protect the wild and beautiful places, Lord, and all who live in them.
We pray for the animals who share our homes, those we choose and those we do not choose.
Bless our pets, O God; thank you for their love.
We pray for working animals, for guide dogs and police dogs and farm dogs, for the hens who lay our eggs and the cows who give us milk.
Bless and protect the animals that serve us in so many ways.
We pray for the tiny animals and the large ones, those we see and those we don’t, for all are part of God’s vastly complex creation, and all have a place.
Thank you for our place in your creation, Lord.
Make us good companions to the animals of the earth. Amen.
Closing Hymn: All creatures of our God and King
Our God is a wonder-working God! The astonishing diversity of living things each reflect God’s beauty and grace. May you too reflect God’s beauty and grace as you work and rest and play.
Our God is a God of love. As the animals in our lives love with dedication may we also love God and love others with all our hearts.
Our God is a God of peace. Go in peace, in the company of the Spirit.
Amen, amen, amen (sung)
led by Silvia Purdie
Set-up: toy animals around the church
DVD of pet photos showing before the service
Basket of chocolates for birthdays
Kids activity: cut out shapes of animals for making a collage
Welcome to worship
Welcome to this special service to honour St Francis and our animal friends
Welcome to humans and animals this morning, for all are important to God
Lord, make us instruments of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let us sow love;
Where there is injury, bring pardon;
Where there is doubt, grow faith
Where there is darkness, bring light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
Opening Hymn: All things bright and beautiful
Call to Worship: Psalm 148: Calling all creation!
Give praise to God!
You angels in heaven, sing out glory.
You stars, sun and moon, shine bright with praise!
God dreamed you and called you and here you are!
You fish and whales and squid, sing praise in the deep.
You elements of nature, fire, rain, wind,
cold and heat, stone and mountain - praise!
God dreamed you and called you and here you are!
You plants and forests, praise God as you flower and fruit.
You mammals, insects, reptiles and birds - praise!
God dreamed you and called you and here you are!
You people, Presidents and nobodies, rich and poor,
women and men and girls and boys,
in every corner of planet Earth,
God dreamed you and called you and here you are!
So listen out for the Name that is above every Name,
sing out with all the love and joy you can find
for all you are is made by God,
all you have is gift from God.
Calling all creation – come and be found in praise!
Sharing time
Tell the person behind or in front of you something funny about your pet … or an animal you got to know – something adorable about them
Pet blessing
Most high, almighty Lord, our Creator,
yours are the praise, the glory and the honour!
To you alone all things belong.
Be praised for giving us the animals, birds and fish which fill your world.
May we think of you and thank you when we play with and care for our pets.
Bless and protect them, Lord, for you love all your creatures.
Help us to always be good to our pets, so that they may be happy and healthy.
O God, your world is wonderful. Help us to care for all living things. Amen.
If you have brought a pet you are invited to bring them to the front of the church for a blessing.
Lord bless these our pets, both those here with us this morning, and those we see in photos, both in our loving memory and at home.
"N.(name of animal,) may you be blessed in the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. May you and N. (the name of the "owner") enjoy life together and find joy with the God who created you."
(turn off powerpoint)
Hymn: O God, your creatures fill the earth
(written by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette)
Tune: Forest Green (O little town) 240
O God, your creatures fill the earth with wonder and delight,
And every living thing has worth and beauty in your sight.
So playful dolphins dance and swim; your sheep bow down and graze.
Your songbirds share a morning hymn to offer you their praise.
You made the pets we welcome in— they’re wondrous blessings, too.
With paws and whiskers, wings and fins, they offer praise to you.
O Lord, you call us to embrace these creatures in our care.
May we show kindness, love and grace to all pets everywhere.
You made the creatures on each farm; you know the things they need.
May they grow healthy, safe from harm, and safe from human greed.
Just as a shepherd loves the sheep, you know their joy, their pain.
Lord, bless the animals we keep; May all farms be humane.
Your creatures live in every land; they fill the sky and sea.
O Lord, you give us your command to love them tenderly.
We’re called to have dominion here--to care for them always.
By loving creatures you hold dear, we offer you our praise.
Birthdays and celebrations
Passing the Peace
We offer each other the ‘right hand of fellowship’ as a sign that all are welcome and accepted by God.
Song: If I were a butterfly
Kids Box (pictures of animals to cut out)
Bible Reading 1: The story of the talking donkey: Numbers 22:22-35 (Dramatic, in 4 voices)
Bible Reading 2: Matthew 6:24-34
Dedication of the offering (please stand)
Prayer for the feast day of St Francis
Let us pray. Most high, omnipotent good Lord, grant your people grace to renounce gladly the vanities of this world; that, following the way of blessed Francis, we may for love of you delight in your whole creation with perfectness of joy. O God, you have made us and all living things. You are even more wonderful than what you have made. We thank you for giving us these pets who bring us joy. As you take care of us, so also we ask your help that we might take care of those who trust us to look after them. By doing this, we share in your own love for all creation. We ask this in Jesus' name, Amen.
Closing Prayer
Lord of all creation, we pray for the world and all living things
All life is your design; your breath is life for all.
We pray for the wild things, creatures of sea and air and land
and we confess that we humans have damaged so much of the world
Protect the wild and beautiful places, Lord, and all who live in them.
We pray for the animals who share our homes, those we choose and those we do not choose.
Bless our pets, O God; thank you for their love.
We pray for working animals, for guide dogs and police dogs and farm dogs, for the hens who lay our eggs and the cows who give us milk.
Bless and protect the animals that serve us in so many ways.
We pray for the tiny animals and the large ones, those we see and those we don’t, for all are part of God’s vastly complex creation, and all have a place.
Thank you for our place in your creation, Lord.
Make us good companions to the animals of the earth. Amen.
Closing Hymn: All creatures of our God and King
Our God is a wonder-working God! The astonishing diversity of living things each reflect God’s beauty and grace. May you too reflect God’s beauty and grace as you work and rest and play.
Our God is a God of love. As the animals in our lives love with dedication may we also love God and love others with all our hearts.
Our God is a God of peace. Go in peace, in the company of the Spirit.
Amen, amen, amen (sung)
Written by Diane King