Psalm 11: The xBox Psalm
Bang! Bang!
Lights flash in the dark.
They are shooting at me again!
I duck down behind the rubble
but shots come from behind me -
I’m not safe here
and I’m out of ammo.
Frantically I look around -
there must be somewhere to hide!
There must be someone to cover me
while I make a dash for it!
All good fun in an X-Box game
but life gets like this sometimes
When it does, you’d better know who has got your back!
And sorry, people might do their best
to protect and care for you, but they will fail.
Strong people, strong in a deep solid useful way,
know that no matter what
they are safe inside
because the battle for their life
has long ago been won!
Strong, safe people know that God is their refuge
so they can be a refuge for others.
And there, as we care for one another
we see the face of God
and know the power of love.
Bang! Bang!
Lights flash in the dark.
They are shooting at me again!
I duck down behind the rubble
but shots come from behind me -
I’m not safe here
and I’m out of ammo.
Frantically I look around -
there must be somewhere to hide!
There must be someone to cover me
while I make a dash for it!
All good fun in an X-Box game
but life gets like this sometimes
When it does, you’d better know who has got your back!
And sorry, people might do their best
to protect and care for you, but they will fail.
Strong people, strong in a deep solid useful way,
know that no matter what
they are safe inside
because the battle for their life
has long ago been won!
Strong, safe people know that God is their refuge
so they can be a refuge for others.
And there, as we care for one another
we see the face of God
and know the power of love.
Note on the photo:
The battle going on in this photo was the aftermath of a jolly good fun game of balloon volley ball, with kids from our church in my lounge.
The battle going on in this photo was the aftermath of a jolly good fun game of balloon volley ball, with kids from our church in my lounge.