Stuff for Kids and All-age Worship
LINKS ... The Kids Friendly website of the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand has an excellent resource for involving children in worship, in a range of settings:
Opening Worship with Kids: My good friend Mary-Jane Konings in Timaru, NZ, has written a full set of short 'Call to Worship's for the 3-year Lectionary cycle. These are lovely, lively ways to involving children in the opening of worship. This link is for the 2012 year, which equates to 2015.
Calls to Worship: "Come on in!"
About 20 short 'Call to worship' prayers.
These are especially written for children to lead, either on their own or with an adult.
About 20 short 'Call to worship' prayers.
These are especially written for children to lead, either on their own or with an adult.
Psalms for Children
"Let's Say a Psalm" Psalms specifically written for children and/or adults to read in worship (or children's ministry settings) |
Involving kids in worship
Reading Psalms together is one of the best ways of including children and young people in worship. Whether you read from the Bible, or use my versions, or write your own, it’s easy and accessible for kids to share in leading worship. Some children love to stand up the front and lead the people. Some hate that idea but can read along with others. Either way they are learning the faith with every word, far better than just sitting and listening (or colouring in worksheets!). Words can be on the screen or printed out, or not. I find it works best if an adult stands beside the child at the microphone. Young children can have a simple repeated phrase, while more confident kids can lead on their own. Try adding a repeated line or response into a Psalm or prayer. The alternating lines works well at home also, for two people to take turns reading aloud. This also honours the basic format of the Psalms, which are written in paired lines, and were written to be sung or read together. |
Praying with children
4 hand actions for prayers of thanks, praise, concern and stillness
Today I’m going to teach you a prayer in 4 parts, and each part has a different way to hold your hands. So get your hands out, where are they?
Sometimes people pray like this (demonstrate head bowed, hands in ‘prayer position’ or clasped). We’re not going to do it like that today, we’re going to try something new!
4 hand actions for prayers of thanks, praise, concern and stillness
Today I’m going to teach you a prayer in 4 parts, and each part has a different way to hold your hands. So get your hands out, where are they?
Sometimes people pray like this (demonstrate head bowed, hands in ‘prayer position’ or clasped). We’re not going to do it like that today, we’re going to try something new!
God’s Call to You!
a children’s talk or all-age litany from Ephesians 4: 1-16 (could be good to make into a hand-out for the children as a Memory Verse challenge) God is calling you! Even before you were born God knew you, and chose you. And now we hear again his call on our lives. Hear God call you by name … 'Who's the Boss??' ... a kids' talk
on sources of authority, Jesus is Lord, and how God talks to us I want to suggest to you this morning that our lives work best when we let God be the boss. We have saying in the church, it is very short, only 3 words, you can remember it. Jesus is Lord And that means, Jesus is the boss. God is in charge. |
It’s time to get dressed!
Ephesians 6: 10-17 OK, Church, it’s time to get dressed! We don’t get dressed just to look good, or even to keep warm. The clothes that God lays out for us protect us from far worse than the rain; these clothes protect us from all that is evil, all that is out to hurt and twist and destroy! Therefore, put on the full armour of God. In it, you’ll stand your ground. In it, you can stand tall. Tu tonu! Kia kaha! The belt is made of truth – tie it firm around you. The vest is made of righteousness – Christ has put you right. The shoes are light – the spring in your step to go where you’re sent. The shield is faith – inner conviction and outer protection. The helmet is salvation – you know who you are in Christ. The sword is the word of God – so read your Bible, and learn to listen. There you are, now you’ll all dressed up and ready for anything! |
Memory Texts
These are the Bible verses that children in the past learned in order to be given their very own Bible. These were recorded in my husband's grandmother's treasured Bible.
These are the Bible verses that children in the past learned in order to be given their very own Bible. These were recorded in my husband's grandmother's treasured Bible.
Baptism, Brokenness and Resurrection: 'INDESTRUCTIBLE'
John 20: 11-18
Romans 6:3-11
An all-age worship service including words linking baptism with Easter Day,
also a children's talk involving the breaking of a pottery plate
a kids activity making their own 'Unbreakable' plates
and a reflection on God's indestructible life.
Nothing lasts forever, every object will break sooner or later. Even the entire universe won’t last forever. ...
Only one being lasts forever: God. The big idea of the Christian faith is that this universe-making God actually loves us and cares about us and reaches out to us. And when we say yes to God then we get wrapped up in the infinity of God. Your life gets remade in Christ. You become indestructible. Your life is unbreakable when you are part of Jesus Christ.
John 20: 11-18
Romans 6:3-11
An all-age worship service including words linking baptism with Easter Day,
also a children's talk involving the breaking of a pottery plate
a kids activity making their own 'Unbreakable' plates
and a reflection on God's indestructible life.
Nothing lasts forever, every object will break sooner or later. Even the entire universe won’t last forever. ...
Only one being lasts forever: God. The big idea of the Christian faith is that this universe-making God actually loves us and cares about us and reaches out to us. And when we say yes to God then we get wrapped up in the infinity of God. Your life gets remade in Christ. You become indestructible. Your life is unbreakable when you are part of Jesus Christ.
Why you need a set of buckets!
Buckets: 6 reasons why your church should have heaps
All the things kids are learning when you use buckets with music and worship and play ...
Buckets: 6 reasons why your church should have heaps
All the things kids are learning when you use buckets with music and worship and play ...
Communion Liturgy
I wrote this service for Holy Communion for our Family Service on Trinity Sunday. It includes a lot of simple, often repeated, responses, to enable young children to participate. Feel free to adapt for other church seasons.
I wrote this service for Holy Communion for our Family Service on Trinity Sunday. It includes a lot of simple, often repeated, responses, to enable young children to participate. Feel free to adapt for other church seasons.
God's Promises
Copy off for each of the children a small booklet filled with 'God's Promises' ... plus there are spaces for adults to write in a promise or verse that is special to them. Kids can colour in and add borders etc to make it their own.
Copy off for each of the children a small booklet filled with 'God's Promises' ... plus there are spaces for adults to write in a promise or verse that is special to them. Kids can colour in and add borders etc to make it their own.
Growing faith at home this Christmas
A letter to families, with suggestions for how to deepen faith through the Christmas season.
A letter to families, with suggestions for how to deepen faith through the Christmas season.
Saying Grace at meal time
Did you know that eating a meal together as a family, all sitting and talking together, is one of the best things you can do to promote your children’s learning and social skills?! Saying a prayer at the start of the meal also grows thankfulness and peace in your home.
Try some of these … a printable A5 folding resource
Did you know that eating a meal together as a family, all sitting and talking together, is one of the best things you can do to promote your children’s learning and social skills?! Saying a prayer at the start of the meal also grows thankfulness and peace in your home.
Try some of these … a printable A5 folding resource
Easter Children’s Drama
A dramatic engagement for all ages in the Easter story.
This drama is designed to be easy to do, with no rehearsal. It moves around several 'scenes' of Easter and involves all the children in a memorable way.
The kids move around different places in the church, preferably outside and inside. The spaces you need to have prepared are:
1: The ‘Upper Room’ … a lounge with cushions or chairs, with a table set with bread and juice
2: ‘Gethseme’ … preferably outside under a tree, or path/verandah. No props required.
3: Pilate’s court … a lounge, with a large chair for Pilate
4: ‘Golgotha’ … we nailed the wooden cross into a large tree outside and this worked well.
5: Tomb … we used a large storage cupboard. If outside could be a shed or cover over a space under a bush? Have something to lay Jesus’ body on, e.g. a mat or row of chairs
6: back in the Upper Room again.
A dramatic engagement for all ages in the Easter story.
This drama is designed to be easy to do, with no rehearsal. It moves around several 'scenes' of Easter and involves all the children in a memorable way.
The kids move around different places in the church, preferably outside and inside. The spaces you need to have prepared are:
1: The ‘Upper Room’ … a lounge with cushions or chairs, with a table set with bread and juice
2: ‘Gethseme’ … preferably outside under a tree, or path/verandah. No props required.
3: Pilate’s court … a lounge, with a large chair for Pilate
4: ‘Golgotha’ … we nailed the wooden cross into a large tree outside and this worked well.
5: Tomb … we used a large storage cupboard. If outside could be a shed or cover over a space under a bush? Have something to lay Jesus’ body on, e.g. a mat or row of chairs
6: back in the Upper Room again.
Do you know the story, the real Easter story?
A short summary for children of what happened to Jesus.
A short summary for children of what happened to Jesus.
Tell the Pentecost Story
an interactive story-telling of Acts 2
"... every person who was there, every person who had seen the risen Jesus and who loved him, every man and every woman, every old person and every child, was lit up. With the light came a feeling, a feeling of energy and power. And the light looked a bit like fire, almost as though each person was a candle shining brightly with a flame that danced and flowed around them as they moved.
What would you look like if you had spirit fire shining all around you?
The fiery energy made it quite impossible to stand still, and it made it quite impossible to stay silent. They didn’t just sit there feeling nice and warm inside, they just couldn’t! They told each other how amazing God is, because it was totally obvious to them that this feeling, this energy, was God energy."
an interactive story-telling of Acts 2
"... every person who was there, every person who had seen the risen Jesus and who loved him, every man and every woman, every old person and every child, was lit up. With the light came a feeling, a feeling of energy and power. And the light looked a bit like fire, almost as though each person was a candle shining brightly with a flame that danced and flowed around them as they moved.
What would you look like if you had spirit fire shining all around you?
The fiery energy made it quite impossible to stand still, and it made it quite impossible to stay silent. They didn’t just sit there feeling nice and warm inside, they just couldn’t! They told each other how amazing God is, because it was totally obvious to them that this feeling, this energy, was God energy."
'Making Magic'
A letter to our Preschool Music families encouraging spiritual moments in family life: How do you in your family treasure the magic moments? The more you can notice and celebrate the magic bits the more you can enjoy the job of caring for young children. |
Jesus walked on water John 6:16-21
The Bible is full of amazing stories about Jesus. One of the most amazing is this story; it was so amazing the disciples could hardly believe it themselves, even while it was happening. This story happens in the dead of night, in the darkest hour. This story happens on a lake. It is a dark, wet story. This drama needs no rehearsal. You need someone to act out being Jesus, a long piece of blue fabric for the lake & a couple of people to hold it, and a table on its side for the boat. It worked out far better than I expected, and created lots of laughter, especially if Jesus hams it up a bit! |
'Godly Play' - a method of story telling
I'd encourage you to read more about Godly Play and to practice the style.
For an example, here is the story of the Prodigal Son, adapted a little by me hence the scribbles in the margins.
Here is the Easter Story in Godly Play style, on the Kids Friendly website
I'd encourage you to read more about Godly Play and to practice the style.
For an example, here is the story of the Prodigal Son, adapted a little by me hence the scribbles in the margins.
Here is the Easter Story in Godly Play style, on the Kids Friendly website
Grandma’s Story
A Christmas Drama
A dramatic telling of the Christmas night, from Grandma's perspective. Only one reader required.
Well, I have some news. We have a new baby in the family! Ah, and you didn’t even know that any of my lot were with child did you? Who is it? Oh, my brother James’ boy – God rest his soul. He moved to Nazareth, remember? His boy, Joseph. Yes, well they only arrived yesterday, he and his young lady
Well, I wasn’t exactly going to bend over backwards to find a nice room for them, not after the rumours I’d been hearing. Now, you know I’d be the LAST person to gossip, but ...
A Christmas Drama
A dramatic telling of the Christmas night, from Grandma's perspective. Only one reader required.
Well, I have some news. We have a new baby in the family! Ah, and you didn’t even know that any of my lot were with child did you? Who is it? Oh, my brother James’ boy – God rest his soul. He moved to Nazareth, remember? His boy, Joseph. Yes, well they only arrived yesterday, he and his young lady
Well, I wasn’t exactly going to bend over backwards to find a nice room for them, not after the rumours I’d been hearing. Now, you know I’d be the LAST person to gossip, but ...
The Basic Plot of the Old Testament
2,000 years in 15 minutes!
Ever wanted to get a grasp on the whole of the Old Testament, put the books in rough chronological order and communicate the Big Events that shook and shaped Israel??
An interactive dramatic telling of the big story, with actions for kids and all ages.
2,000 years in 15 minutes!
Ever wanted to get a grasp on the whole of the Old Testament, put the books in rough chronological order and communicate the Big Events that shook and shaped Israel??
An interactive dramatic telling of the big story, with actions for kids and all ages.
Shine, Shine
This gorgeous prayer was written by Sara Wilson, aged 7. It makes a lovely Call to Worship You make turtles that paddle You make penguins that waddle Shine your love – shine shine! You make sheep so wooly You make us wonderfully! Shine your love – shine shine! Love is in your heart We will play our part Shine your love – shine shine! All the birds in the trees You set all the world free Shine your love – shine shine! And I will pray upon a star, for you love us as we are. I will shine my life for you, for you died to show the way. |
Drawing God
A Playcentre supervisor is walking around the Centre observing the children playing when she notices one little girl drawing very intently. The supervisor asks her what she is working on. “I’m drawing God” the child says. The supervisor pauses, then says, “But no one knows what God looks like.” Without missing a beat or looking up from her drawing, the girl replies, “They will in a minute.” |
Where is God?
A kids talk introducing the idea of heaven, and how Jesus broke through the wall between people and God
(no props or story sorry, just condensed theology!)
A kids talk introducing the idea of heaven, and how Jesus broke through the wall between people and God
(no props or story sorry, just condensed theology!)
A Celebration of the Family
A worship service adapted from Dorothy McRae-McMahen's work in 'Echoes of our Journey'
A worship service adapted from Dorothy McRae-McMahen's work in 'Echoes of our Journey'
Photo of Silvia & Hanna at preschool music, taken by Stephanie Defregger of Handmade Photography.