Psalm 25: The Covenant Way
(A Psalm for a maturing marriage. Numbers refer to verses of Psalm 25.) To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul O my God, in you I trust. 1 Lord of love, I pray for my marriage May we walk in your paths, 4 the way of your Covenant in our life together. Sustain us in your steadfast love renew our love in your steadfast mercy. Through the years you have walked with us 6 despite our stumblings, for no reason but your love. 7 Teach us now, we want to learn. Teach us the truth we need. 5 The truth is, our marriage falls from your love, we are put to shame by our words and actions. 2 Convict us, show us where we go wrong. Pardon my guilt, for it is great. 11 The truth is, despite our love we are each still lonely, 16 unable to calm the troubles of the heart. 17 The truth is, our partnership is under attack from without, from within. Love so easily flips toward hate; anger so easily hardens into bitterness. 19 We want more than that for our marriage. We dare to hope for deep friendship that outlasts the years, grounded in you, living your covenant promise, 14 living in abundance. We dare to hope for our children as they launch themselves upon the world. 13 Lord, guard our marriage, and deliver us from harm that we might stand before you unashamed, bruised but not broken. 20 Restore our integrity as we wait for you. 21 We turn to you in repentance and faith. 16 Turn us towards each other in grace and forgiveness. 18 Turn us to face outward in confidence and fullness of life. 21 Out of our troubles, Lord, save us! 22 |
Psalm 25: Teach me your ways
Walk with me, my friend let me follow in your footsteps. We’ve come a long way already, but I still need you. My pride says “I don’t need help! I can do this on my own!” but I know I’ll be lost in no time without you. All the paths of the Lord are steadfast love and faithfulness for those who walk close with him. |