Psalm 147: The Winter Psalm
Look up! Look at the stars on a cold clear night. Each one, every one is known by God. Look up at the clouds dark over the hills, feel the rain splash – every drop is a gift from God. Look up to the mountains, there snow is falling; feel the blast of hail, the crisp beauty of frost. Every flake of snow, every crystal of ice its own unique complex pattern. Great is our Lord, incredible in power, endless in understanding! This amazing God delights in beauty but delights even more in setting people free. Look and see! God picks up people who are knocked down and gathers up those who are rejected. God heals people who are wounded. Praise the Lord! Sing praise! Look up! See how God cares for us. God blesses our children and feeds us with good food. God pours out peace on us like rain. The truth of his gospel flows quickly over the world, his Spirit like the wind into every place on earth. Look and see how God loves us! Great is our Lord, incredible in power, endless in understanding! Praise the Lord! Sing praise! |
Psalm 147: Who is this God of ours?
Who is this God of ours? Why do we sing? Why get excited? Number 1: God made every star and every atom. He can count to infinity and beyond! Number 2: God cares for those who are broken, and heals our wounds. God lifts up those who get stood on and delights in each of his children. Who is this God of ours? Why should we sing? Why get excited? Number 3: God cares for us, feeds us, looks after us, gives us good things; the gift of peace, the gift of love. Number 4: God creates life and gives rain, rivers, snow and ice, warm and cold, wind and sun. This God of ours is greater than great, so we sing with joy and overflow with praise! |
Photos: Ian Thomson out 'Looking for Snow', June 2015