Psalm 20: the Answer to my Call
To read Psalm 20 you need to decide who is the ‘you’ and who is the one speaking. Then the last 3 verses are ‘we’ – who is ‘we’? Here’s one possible reading, from an understanding of Jesus’ role as intercessor. This is Jesus speaking, “Christ Jesus, who died, yes, who was raised, who is at the right hand of God, who indeed intercedes for us.” Romans 8:34. Jesus, Lord Jesus, I hear your word to me today: Silvia, I pray for you today, I declare God’s truth for you today. The Lord answers you in your day of trouble the name of the Lord protects you help comes from the Holy Place you are sustained from Zion. Silvia, the Lord remembers you and all you have laid down the Lord honours the price you paid, burnt in holy fire the Lord is giving you what your heart desires the Lord is fulfilling your whole purpose. Shout for joy, for you are overcoming! Fly the flag of victory of the name of the Lord for the Lord is enacting all you have asked for. You are anointed, you are chosen, you call and the Lord answers - his hand opens for you, wait and see! Some stand on strategy, others trust in their own authority but you and I, all we have is the goodness of God. Others will collapse and fall in the day of trouble but we stand up and stand firm. Father, oh my Father, we call to you and you answer us, you uphold us. |
Psalm 20: God bless you!
(A responsive Psalm of blessing for use in worship) May God bless you and keep you. When you cry for help God will answer. When you are in trouble God will be there. When you are lost God will find you. When you are afraid God will support you. May God bless you and keep you. In the plans you make, in all that you hope for, in the deep desires of your heart, God is alive and at work. When you ask for help for other people God works through you. When you do great things God cheers you on and all God’s people shout for joy! May God bless you and keep you. Some people rely on guns and fast cars but we trust in God. Everything else will crash to the ground but we will stand tall. Be strong in the Lord, Be proud of our God. God is proud of you! May God bless you and keep you. |