The Moana Prayer – for the Pacific Ocean
Written by Archbishop Emeritus Winston Halapua
(Used with permission)
View a very beautiful video with The Moana Prayer
read by Archbishop Winston HERE
(Used with permission)
View a very beautiful video with The Moana Prayer
read by Archbishop Winston HERE
Loving and Embracing God,
You are the God of the universe and all Creation.
You create and give life, and see that your Creation is good.
We praise you for your gift of Creation.
We thank you for the Moana.
We thank you the great Oceans flowing into one another
and around the continents and islands.
We thank you for the life-giving of the Oceans,
for the oxygen, food and resources they continually provide.
We thank you that the Ocean is the home for most species, small and great.
We are people of the Moana.
Our ancestors navigated by the stars and crossed the waves to find new homes.
The waves breaking on the reef thunder with the message
of your constancy and your love and care for Creation.
May we hear the voices of sea creatures endangered by the selfish greed of humanity.
May there be a deep listening to the voice of waters rising to engulf land.
May ears be open to the groaning caused by refusal to honour Creation.
May eyes be open to the suffering caused by power which destroys.
We beat a lali drum, alerting people around Planet Earth
to the destruction of nature and human life threatened by climate change.
We blow a conch, calling for the worship of a God of immense goodness.
Our forbears set our across the Moana.
We set out on a venture to protect our home – the Planet Earth.
Help us to challenge short-sighted greed,
Help us to address unjust structures and practices
and to change our relationship with creation to one of care.
We affirm our guardianship of the precious gift of Creation.
We have a vision. We have courage. We have your guidance.
We have the presence of the Risen One
whose power to love is greater than all the powers of destruction.
Grant that together we may bring peace to our Planet Earth,
to its many creatures and its many people.
We lotu (pray) in the name of our God –
Creator, Redeemer and Life-giving Spirit.
You are the God of the universe and all Creation.
You create and give life, and see that your Creation is good.
We praise you for your gift of Creation.
We thank you for the Moana.
We thank you the great Oceans flowing into one another
and around the continents and islands.
We thank you for the life-giving of the Oceans,
for the oxygen, food and resources they continually provide.
We thank you that the Ocean is the home for most species, small and great.
We are people of the Moana.
Our ancestors navigated by the stars and crossed the waves to find new homes.
The waves breaking on the reef thunder with the message
of your constancy and your love and care for Creation.
May we hear the voices of sea creatures endangered by the selfish greed of humanity.
May there be a deep listening to the voice of waters rising to engulf land.
May ears be open to the groaning caused by refusal to honour Creation.
May eyes be open to the suffering caused by power which destroys.
We beat a lali drum, alerting people around Planet Earth
to the destruction of nature and human life threatened by climate change.
We blow a conch, calling for the worship of a God of immense goodness.
Our forbears set our across the Moana.
We set out on a venture to protect our home – the Planet Earth.
Help us to challenge short-sighted greed,
Help us to address unjust structures and practices
and to change our relationship with creation to one of care.
We affirm our guardianship of the precious gift of Creation.
We have a vision. We have courage. We have your guidance.
We have the presence of the Risen One
whose power to love is greater than all the powers of destruction.
Grant that together we may bring peace to our Planet Earth,
to its many creatures and its many people.
We lotu (pray) in the name of our God –
Creator, Redeemer and Life-giving Spirit.